Posted by Aaron Rice on Jul 10th 2024

Iron Sights vs. Red Dots: Which One's Got Your Back?

Hey there, fellow shooters! Ever found yourself squinting down your sights, wondering if you're missing out on some fancy new tech? Well, buckle up, 'cause we're about to dive into the age-old debate: iron sights vs. red dot sights. It's like choosing between a classic muscle car and a sleek electric ride – both'll get you there, but the journey's gonna be different.

The OG: Iron Sights

Let's start with the old reliable – iron sights. These bad boys have been around since your grandpappy was knee-high to a grasshopper, and for good reason.

What's the Deal?

Picture this: a front post and a rear notch. Line 'em up, and boom – you're on target. It's like playing connect-the-dots, but way cooler (and louder). Our A2 Front Sight? It's the Honda Civic of the sight world – dependable, no-nonsense, and gets the job done.

The Good, The Bad, and The Iron-y


  • Tough as nails – drop 'em, dunk 'em, they'll keep on ticking
  • No batteries required (take that, smartphone addiction!)
  • Work in pretty much any light that isn't pitch black


  • Takes some practice to master (but hey, practice makes perfect, right?)
  • Can be tricky to use when you're stressed out (like when zombies attack)
  • Might block your view a bit (but who needs peripheral vision anyway?)

The New Kid on the Block: Red Dot Sights

Now, let's talk about the hipster of the sight world – red dots. These little light shows have been turning heads faster than a celebrity scandal.

How Do They Work? (Magic, Obviously)

Just kidding, it's not magic – it's SCIENCE! A red dot sight projects a tiny red dot onto a lens. Point the dot at what you want to hit, pull the trigger, and voilà! It's like playing a video game, but in real life (and with more consequences).

The Dot's Hot Takes


  • Faster than greased lightning for getting on target
  • Keep both eyes open (situational awareness for the win!)
  • Great in low light (night owls rejoice!)


  • Runs on batteries (another thing to add to your apocalypse checklist)
  • Can be pricier than your last date night
  • Might fail if it gets too wet or bumped too hard (treat it like your phone screen)

The Showdown: Iron vs. Red

Alright, time for the main event! Let's see how these two square up in different situations.

Accuracy: The Bullseye Brawl

Iron sights are like that friend who's always reliable but takes a bit of effort. Red dots? They're the friend who makes everything look easy. Both can hit the mark, but red dots might give you the edge, especially at longer distances or if your eyesight isn't 20/20.

Speed: The Quick Draw Contest

Red dots take the cake here. It's like comparing texting to writing a letter – both get the message across, but one's a whole lot quicker. For those "oh crap" moments when speed is key, red dots have your back.

Durability: The Tough Guy Face-Off

Iron sights are the Chuck Norris of the sight world – they just won't quit. Red dots are tough too, but they've got that Achilles' heel called "electronics." If you're planning on dragging your gun through hell and high water, iron sights might be your best bet.

Low Light: The Midnight Madness

Red dots shine (literally) in the dark. Iron sights? Well, unless you've got some glow-in-the-dark magic, they're about as useful as sunglasses at night..

The Bottom Line

So, which one's better? Plot twist: there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on what you're shooting, where you're shooting, and what feels right to you.

If you want something that'll outlast the cockroaches in a nuclear apocalypse, go for iron sights. Our Battle Sights (BUIS) will have your back when the chips are down.

But if you're all about that quick-draw life and don't mind a little battery dependency, a red dot like the Aimpoint PRO might be your new best friend.

Or hey, why not both? Slap a red dot on top and keep some flip-up iron sights as backup. It's like having your cake and eating it too (and who doesn't love cake?).

Whatever you choose, remember: the best sight is the one you can use well. So get out there, practice, and most importantly, have fun! (But also be safe, because nobody likes a trip to the ER.)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some targets to shoot. Or maybe I'll just play some Call of Duty. It's basically the same thing, right? (Spoiler: it's not. Please don't try gun stunts from video games at home, kids.)

Stay sharp, shooters!