Posted by Aaron Rice on May 23rd 2024

Mastering Your AR15: A Comprehensive Guide to Low Profile Iron Sights

Hey there, fellow AR-15 enthusiasts! It's John from Ozark Armament, and today we're gonna chat about something that's saved my bacon more times than I can count - low profile iron sights.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "John, it's 2024. Who needs iron sights when we've got fancy red dots and scopes?" Well, let me tell you a little story.

Last summer, I was out in the boonies, doing some target practice with my tricked-out AR. I had this super expensive red dot sight that I thought was the bee's knees. Halfway through my session, the dang thing just died on me. No warning, just... poof. There I was, miles from anywhere, with a rifle I couldn't aim worth a damn.

That's when I thanked my lucky stars for the low profile iron sights I'd installed "just in case". They turned what could've been a wasted day into one of my best shooting sessions ever.

Why Low Profile Iron Sights Rock

  • They're Always Ready: Unlike electronic sights, iron sights don't need batteries. They're always on, always ready.
  • Tough as Nails: I've dropped my rifle, bumped it against trees, and even had it fall off my truck once (don't ask). The iron sights? Still dead-on accurate.
  • Clear View: With low profile sights, you're not looking through a tube or around a bulky sight. It's just you, your target, and a clean sight picture.
  • Quick Target Acquisition: Once you get used to them, iron sights are lightning fast. I can switch between targets quicker than my kids can change the Wi-Fi password.

  • Types of Low Profile Iron Sights

    Over the years, I've tried pretty much every type out there. Here's my two cents:

    • Battle sights (BUIS): These are my go-to. They fold down when I'm using my scope but pop up in a split second when I need them.
    • HK Style BUIS: If you like that classic look with modern performance, these are your jam. They remind me of my first rifle.
    • A2 Rear and Front Sights: Old school cool. Simple, reliable, and they get the job done.
    • 45 Degree Flip-Ups: Great if you're running a scope. Just tilt your rifle and bam - you're on target.
    • Micro Flip-Ups: These are so small you'll forget they're there... until you need 'em.

    Picking the Right Sight

    Choosing sights is like picking a BBQ sauce - everyone's got their favorite. But here's what to think about:

    Co-Witness or Nah?

    If you're running an optic, you gotta decide how your iron sights will play with it:

    • Absolute Co-Witness: Your iron sights line up perfectly with your red dot. I like this setup - it's like having a backup singer that knows all the words.
    • Lower Third Co-Witness: Iron sights sit a bit lower. It's nice if you want a cleaner view through your optic most of the time.

    Flip-Up vs. Fixed

  • Flip-Ups: I love these for their versatility. They're out of the way when I don't need 'em, but ready in a flash.
  • Fixed Sights: Always there, always ready. If you're all about reliability, fixed sights are your best friend.
  • Installing Your Sights

    Now, I'm not gonna lie - the first time I installed iron sights, I messed it up. Had the rear sight on backwards (yeah, laugh it up). But it's actually pretty simple:

    1. Safety First: Unload your rifle. Double-check it's unloaded. Then check again.
    2. Mount 'Em Up: Slide the sight onto your rail. Front sight goes up front (duh), rear sight goes in back.
    3. Tighten 'Em Down: Snug 'em up good, but don't go Hulk on 'em. You want 'em tight, not stripped.

    Zeroing In

    Zeroing your sights is like tuning a guitar - get it right, and everything else falls into place. Here's my method:

    1. Set up a target at 25 yards. That's a good starting point.
    2. Fire a few rounds. Don't worry if you're off - that's why we're here.
    3. Adjust your sights. Usually, you'll need a small tool or even just a bullet tip.
    4. Rinse and repeat until you're hitting where you're aiming.
    5. Once you're good at 25, move out to 100 yards and fine-tune.

    Keep 'Em Clean, Keep 'Em Mean

    A little maintenance goes a long way:

    • After shooting, give 'em a quick wipe-down. Nothing fancy, just get the gunk off.
    • Check for loose screws now and then. Tighten any that need it.
    • A tiny dab of oil keeps rust away. Just a dab, mind you - these aren't pancakes.

    The Bottom Line

    Look, I've been shooting ARs for longer than I care to admit, and I've tried every fancy sight out there. But I always come back to my trusty iron sights. They're tough, they're reliable, and when the chips are down, they've never let me down.

    So do yourself a favor - get some low profile iron sights on your AR. Your future self will thank you, trust me.

    Now get out there and start ringing some steel!