Posted by Aaron Rice on Jul 25th 2024

Nailing the Bullseye: Remington 700 Iron Sights Decoded

Hey there, fellow shooters! Let's chat about something that'll make your Remington 700 sing - iron sights. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting your feet wet, these bad boys can turn your shooting game from "meh" to "holy cow!"

The Lowdown on Remington 700 Iron Sights

Iron sights ain't just chunks of metal slapped onto your rifle. They're like the trusty sidekick to your Remington 700 superhero. From the old-school fixed sights to the fancy flip-ups and canted options, there's a flavor for every shooter's taste.

A Blast from the Past

Picture this: It's the 1800s, and some genius decides to stick a couple of metal bits on a rifle to help aim. Fast forward to 1962, and boom! The Remington 700 hits the scene. Since then, iron sights have come a long way, baby. Now we've got all sorts of nifty options that'll make your great-granddaddy's jaw drop.

Pick Your Poison

So, what's your style? We've got:

  1. Fixed sights: Tough as nails and always there for you like our A2 Rear Iron Sight.
  2. Flip-ups: For when you wanna switch things up faster than a quick-draw contest.
  3. Canted sights: Because sometimes, life throws you a curveball, and you gotta shoot sideways.

Each type's got its own bells and whistles, like windage and elevation adjustments. It's like tuning a guitar, but instead of sweet music, you get sweet, sweet accuracy.

Getting Your Sights Right

Now, don't go thinking you can just slap these babies on and call it a day. Setting up your iron sights takes a bit of TLC.

The Setup Lowdown

First things first, pick your poison. Ozark Armament's got some killer options, like their 45 Degree Flip Up Backup Sights. Once you've got 'em, it's time to play gunsmith.

  1. Front sight goes near the muzzle (that's the shooty end, for you newbies).
  2. Rear sight cozies up to the receiver.
  3. Tighten everything down, but don't go Hulk on it. We want secure, not stripped screws.

Dialing It In

Now comes the fun part - making that bullet go where you're pointing. It's like adjusting the volume on your TV, but instead of sound, you're tweaking where your lead flies.

  1. Windage: Move that rear sight left or right. Bullet hitting left of the target? Move it right, and vice versa.
  2. Elevation: Twist that front sight post. Shooting high? Lower it down. Low? Crank it up.

Take some test shots, rinse and repeat until you're hitting bullseyes like it's going out of style.

Iron Sights vs. The World

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But what about scopes? Aren't they all the rage?" Well, hold your horses there, partner.

The Showdown: Iron Sights vs. Scopes

Sure, scopes are cool. They make things look bigger and shinier. But iron sights? They're like the Swiss Army knife of the shooting world - simple, reliable, and they never run out of batteries.

Iron sights let you see the whole picture, not just a tiny circle. Plus, they're tougher than a two-dollar steak. Drop your rifle? No problem. Your iron sights are probably laughing at you.

Why Iron Sights Rock

  1. They're always ready to rock and roll.
  2. No batteries required (take that, fancy electronics!).
  3. They're tougher than your old man's war stories.
  4. Quick target acquisition - because sometimes, you gotta be faster than greased lightning.

Wrapping It Up

Look, at the end of the day, iron sights on your Remington 700 are like putting racing stripes on a sports car - they just make everything better. They're reliable, they're accurate, and they'll make you feel like a real marksman.

So, whether you're out in the boonies hunting Bigfoot or just showing off at the range, a good set of iron sights will never let you down. Just remember to give 'em a little TLC now and then, and they'll be your trusty shooting companions for years to come.

Now get out there and start nailing those targets! And hey, if you start hitting bullseyes like a pro, don't forget to thank your iron sights (and maybe buy 'em a drink).

FAQs (Because We Know You're Dying to Ask)

  1. Why bother with iron sights on my Remington 700? Because they're like a good cup of coffee - reliable, gets the job done, and doesn't need fancy creamers to be awesome.
  2. What kinds of iron sights can I slap on my Remington 700? Fixed, flip-up, canted - take your pick! It's like a buffet of aiming options.
  3. Who makes these magical iron sights? Ozark Armament's got your back with some top-notch options. Their sights are tougher than a $2 steak.
  4. How do I keep my iron sights happy? Clean 'em, align 'em, and maybe whisper sweet nothings to 'em occasionally. They'll return the favor with spot-on accuracy.
  5. Are iron sights better than scopes? Depends on if you want to see the whites of your target's eyes or count the hairs on a gnat's behind. Iron sights for close and personal, scopes for playing sniper.

Now go forth and conquer those targets! Your Remington 700 and its iron sights are waiting to make some magic happen.