Posted by Matt Rice on Feb 14th 2024

Master the Art of Sighting in an AR-15's Iron Sights: A Comprehensive Guide

Listen up, folks. I've been tinkering with AR-15s since before some of you were born, and I'm here to set the record straight on iron sights. Forget the fancy optics for a minute - we're going old school like AR 15 Carry Handle sights, and I promise you'll be a better shooter for it.

Why Iron Sights Aren't Going Anywhere

I know what you're thinking. "Iron sights? In 2024? Grandpa, please." But hear me out:

  1. They don't need batteries: When your red dot craps out, iron sights are still kicking.
  2. Tough as nails: I've seen optics shatter. Iron sights? They laugh at abuse.
  3. Makes you a real shooter: Mastering your AR 15 iron sights is like learning stick shift. It's a fundamental skill and it is designed to increase the shooter's accuracy

Before You Start Blasting

Hold your horses, Rambo. Before you start putting holes in paper:

  • Know your range: Are you plinking at 25 yards or reaching out to 300? Big difference.
  • Pick your poison: Different ammo, different flight path. Choose wisely.
  • Mother Nature's a bitch: Wind, heat, rain - they all wanna mess with your shot. Stay frosty.

Gear You Actually Need

You don't need to rob a bank, but a few things will save your sanity:

  1. A solid rest: Your buddy's shoulder doesn't count. Get a real one.
  2. Boresighter: It's not cheating, it's being smart.
  3. Good targets: Splurge on the ones with grids. Your eyes will thank you.

Check out our guide on sighting in AR-15 iron sights

Let's Get Down to Business

Alright, here's where the rubber meets the road:

  1. Lock and load: Get that AR snug in your rest. No wiggle room.
  2. Boresight that bad boy: It's like pre-gaming for your sighting session.
  3. Send it: Fire a few rounds. Where they landing?
  4. Tweak it: Front sight post is your best friend. Up, down, left, right. You'll get the hang of it.
  5. Rinse and repeat: Keep at it till you're punching one ragged hole.

When Shit Hits the Fan

Not going according to plan? Don't throw your rifle just yet:

  • Spray and pray? Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Grip, trigger, breathing - the basics matter.
  • Can't hit the broad side of a barn? Back to square one. Re-check that alignment remember most sights like the M4 has half MOA clicks
  • Elevation and windage giving you fits? Baby steps. Tiny adjustments make big differences downrange.

Check out our guide to enhance your AR-15 shooting experience.

Pro Tips from the Trenches

  • Patience, grasshopper: Rush this, and you'll just waste ammo and time.
  • Consistency is key: Find your zen shooting position and stick to it like glue.
  • Notes aren't just for school: Write. It. Down. Future you will buy present you a beer.
  • Shit People Ask

    Q: How high should these damn sights be? A: About 2.6 inches above the bore. It's not rocket science.

    Q: Are iron sights actually accurate? A: As accurate as the meat bag behind the trigger. Practice, practice, practice.

    Q: Do I really gotta zero these things? A: Does a bear shit in the woods? Yes, you do. It's not optional.

    Q: What's the magic zero distance? A: 50/200 yards works for most folks. Unless you're trying to be the next Chris Kyle.

    Q: How do I fiddle with these sights? A: Front sight's got a button. Push and twist. Rear sight? That knob ain't for show.